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Обвинившую футболиста «Милана» в изнасиловании россиянку приговорили к тюремному сроку

Российскую модель Луизу Кремлеву приговорили к 6 месяцам тюрьмы за ложное обвинение французского футболиста «Милана» Тео Эрнандеса в изнасиловании. Об этом сообщает Marca.

The main conceptual idea of the text is that the user's request to access the VK service has been rejected due to a high volume of requests, likely caused by their browser or insufficient configuration. The text provides several possible reasons for this error: * Too many requests: The user's browser is sending too many requests to the VK server. * Unsecure connection: The page is being loaded over HTTP instead of HTTPS, potentially preventing an automatic redirection. * Cookie issues: Cookies are disabled, which are necessary for proper functioning of the service. * Incomplete data: The page failed to receive all necessary data, making it inaccessible. In all cases, the user is advised to contact VK support for assistance.

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15 часов назад Сестра создателя ChatGPT обвинила его в изнасиловании: фото Сэма Альтмана и Энн
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ID: 15591905
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